A chart displaying the monthly climate in Chiang Mai.

This time of year brings less rainfall to Northern Thailand, making the days a bit less balmy (thankfully) but also providing us lower water levels. If you’re wondering about whether or not the water levels on the river are sufficient for white water rafting, 8Adventures can assure it’s guests that this time of year doesn’t deter our trips from going out, and maintaining the same fun and safety that we promise year-round. Water levels are checked daily, and when the water’s a bit low, trips go out in our durable inflatable kayaks. These kayaks, just like our large white water rafts, offer a pleasant and exciting rafting experience. Every trip has a ratio of one guest to one guide; the guest is in the front of the kayak, and the guide is behind them. We put a trained guide in the kayak with you, to make sure you’re safe, comfortable, and maximizing the thrill of your descent down the gorgeous Mae Taeng River, in Chiang Mai, Thailand!

You can check out photos of our most recent trips on our Facebook page.

